
Privacy Policy & Cookies

At thedalset.com

The Dalset Aps
CVR-No. 38172190
Gøngehusvej 75
2950 Vedbæk

is responsible for the processing of data and personal data on thedalset.com

Personal information:

In order for you to trade with us, we need the following information about you as a customer:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address

We register your personal information only for the purpose of being able to deliver the item to you. By submitting the above information, you accept that we can contact you by mail or SMS with information about your order.

When personal information is collected via our website, we ensure that it is always done by giving your explicit consent, so that you are informed about exactly what information is collected and why.

All data is processed according to the Personal Data Act / EU Data Protection Regulation (GPDR – General Data Protection Regulation).


The personal information is registered with The Dalset ApS and stored for 5 years from the end of the financial year in question, where the transaction has been completed, after which the information is deleted.

The information is stored according to the danish “Bogføringslovens” (Accounting law) § 10.

The information is stored securely and confidentially with limited access in controlled facilities. The security check is continuously revised to always be able to handle user information safely and in accordance with your rights as a user. 100% security for data transfers via the Internet can not be guaranteed. There may be a risk that others unjustifiably force access to information when data is sent and stored electronically, which is why you provide your personal information at your own risk.

We do not store customer information encrypted.
We do not transmit customer information encrypted.

Third party:

We may share information about you with the following third parties:

  • External accountants and tax consultants
  • Public authorities
  • Our suppliers of IT services
  • Google and Facebook for the purpose of marketing on their platforms.

We do not record and share any personally sensitive information.

Objection & insight:

As registered with The Dalset ApS, you always have the right to object to the registrations. You also have the right to insight into what information is registered about / on you. If data is incorrect or misleading you have the right to demand it to be corrected, deleted or blocked according to Personal Data Law. You have these rights according to Personal Data Law.

Inquiries in connection with this must be directed to The Dalset ApS via email to dalset@thedalset.com.


You have the opportunity to complain about the processing of information and data at thedalset.com.

The complaint is submitted here DATATILSYNET


Any dispute between the business and the customer is settled under Danish law.


A cookie is a small data file that is placed on your computer’s hard drive in order to recognize it. It is not a program and it cannot read or corrupt data on your computer.

Only the website that has placed a cookie on your hard drive can read the contents of the cookie again. Cookies may not contain viruses or the like that could harm your computer.